2024-2025 School-Term
Registration & Rates


  • The School-Term runs from September 3, 2024 - May 16, 2025

  • May 10-May 30 is reserved for makeup lessons.

  • Scheduled breaks for the School-Term can be found on our Calendar page.

  • Generally, we schedule students for 30 lessons that will be completed during the School-Term, however Monday and Thursday lesson schedules are for 28 lessons due to holiday conflicts.

  • When you register for the School-Term, you are registering for a specific number of lessons (i.e. 30 lessons from September-May). You will sign a lesson agreement for the total number of lessons and total fee for those lessons. That total fee will be divided into monthly payments, which you will receive by email and will be payable online - for example, a student who registers for 30 online lessons that are 30-min each from September-May will pay $100/month for lessons.

  • Lessons may be discontinued prior to the end of the term with a 30-day notice. Students who discontinue before the end of the school term may not be eligible for make up lessons.

  • We recommend that students be at least 5 years old and in kindergarten before starting lessons with us. Please contact us if you have questions about this.

*Discounts are available for multiple-student packages or for 60-minute lessons. Please register all students for discount details.


  • Registration runs from August 19 to September 2 ($15 for Online/$25 for In-Home).

  • Registration Policies

    • Completing the registration form does not guarantee a placement with a teacher for your student(s). We do our best to accommodate each registration, but are limited by teacher availability and routing.

    • You will only be charged a registration fee if your student is placed with a teacher and we move forward with a lesson agreement.

  • Lesson Start Dates

    • If you register for the beginning of the School Term, lessons will start after September 2, 2024.

    • If you register in the middle of a semester, your registration needs to be received by the 15th of the month in order to start lessons at the top of the following month.

**The Registration fee covers administrative costs for scheduling as well as teaching supplies. The one-time fee will be applied to your first monthly invoice for the School-Term.