Where Your Music Journey Begins
Where Your Music Journey Begins
"Over the years I have had the opportunity to develop friendships with amazing musicians who are currently touring with some of Nashville’s biggest names. Over and over again these individuals have shared with me that they had disappointing experiences with music teachers growing up. If people who have a clear talent and love for music have experienced poor results in music lessons, where is the disconnect? It's my firm belief that many music teachers only know how to teach the way they learned. As a result, there are numerous gifted students who become frustrated, bored, and discouraged in their music.
There are multiple methods and philosophies out there concerning how to learn music. Most schools implement a very traditional and analytical style of teaching that may teach how to read music but not how to truly express it. On the other hand, some schools can teach how to play expressively but lack in explaining the science and reasoning of music. These teaching models work for some but they fall short by not taking into consideration the learning needs and wants of students.
While educators have been creatively researching ways to teach core studies like Math, English, and Science based on the learning styles of different students, most music schools have not adequately evolved in this area. At Bravura, we want to change all of that."
-Andre Rodriguez, Founder of Bravura